Friday, January 23, 2009

101 Things to do by Oct. 21, 2011

  1. Work 30 hours a week or hire it out
  2. fix up bicycle and start riding it whenever possible
  3. Raise $1000 for my sponsee's family (so her mom can start a sewing business)
  4. Replace 2 amalgam fillings with gold
  5. organize all my sewing stuff (move fabric to house)
  6. Review on Amazon 48 books on writing
  7. go to HoN weekends three times a year
  8. join a creative writing class or group
  9. take daughter to chiropractor every week to heal her feet (and finance it)
  10. pare down my wardrobe to fit into one bureau
  11. find a teacher for making outdoor sculptures, and make three
  12. Write 12 kid stories with Mom
  13. get the right seasonal gear I need for being outside and give away what I don't need
  14. make a classical Christmas CD and a modern Christmas CD
  15. find a romantic partner
  16. create a morning routine, adding 1 new habit every 13 days, until I've incorporated all necessary habits
  17. get a position teaching crafts to adults – volunteer or paid
  18. finance daughter's braces and oral surgery
  19. make a wall hanging for my room of the four elements
  20. finish my “water” quilt
  21. create an evening routine, adding 1 new habit every 13 days, until I've incorporated all necessary habits
  22. research biofeedback in preparation for novel (read 10 books, 40 articles, visit 3 clinicians, interview 2 in depth)
  23. finish the Solutions course
  24. cut all my fabric scraps into the stash system sizes
  25. make a budget, keep it up to date
  26. Complete Soul Love course
  27. get daughter to sleep before midnight 6 days a week
  28. change DMV address, make a list of places that have my address
  29. file all my tax forms
  30. make scrapbook illustrating top 50 songs
  31. create a Getting Things Done system for myself (by % of life captured)
  32. join the UU choir
  33. make a photo montage of 7 inspirational sculptures
  34. design Kevin's quilt with Kevin
  35. oversee daughter practicing piano 4 times a week, unless we have no access to a piano or one of us is sick
  36. go to sleep by 1AM every day
  37. go to Curves 3 x a week
  38. create a cookbook with 28 favorite dinners, 14 favorite lunches, 14 favorite breakfasts, 12 favorite desserts
  39. decide which supplements I should take and take them
  40. organize all my craft stuff, get rid of what doesn't fit in my room (track by % of shelves filled)
  41. get a series of three astrology readings about my life's purpose and update this list accordingly
  42. research Avebury, Glastonbury and Ireland (do something each week) in preparation for a trip there
  43. set up Fly Lady cleaning system by March 2009 and follow it
  44. have sewing machine cleaned 2ce a year
  45. read the three “If the Buddha...” books by Charlotte Kasl


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